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Update on Alzheimer's Research and Recent Treatments | Dr. Bruno Giordani
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description
Review information and research from the last Alzheimer's Association
International Conference and recent new pharmacological treatments.

Dr. Bruno Giordani is the Chief Psychologist in the Department of
Psychiatry and the Associate Director of the Michigan Alzheimer's
Disease Center. His academic appointments are as a tenured Professor in
the departments of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Psychology and the
School of Nursing. He has been an active faculty member for 35 years
and has served as Vice Chair and Chair of the University of Michigan
Faculty Senate. He has been awarded the Distinguished Faculty
Governance Award from the University of Michigan and the Ruth
Michelbaugh Lifetime Achievement Award from the Michigan
Alzheimer's Association. Dr. Giordani has been elected as Fellow in the
American Psychological Association's Clinical Neuropsychology and
Clinical Psychology Divisions. His research interests include
neuropsychological, electrophysiological, and imaging approaches in the
assessment of early cognitive change, emphasizing cross-cultural and
low-resource settings, and computer-based cognitive assessment and
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